domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Emergence of Language

Emergence of Language
Concept Map


Language is the system that people use to communicate with others who live in the same geographic area, to express ideas, opinions by a written or spoken language. But when did the language appears? It is difficult to answer with precision this question, nowadays exists evidence that the man does not started communicating with letters instead of that they used pictures. The pictures were the first step to develop writing. With time they evolved these pictures to symbols or characters something more elaborated for them.  Giving to each object used in every day a name, so the symbols together started forming words and that words began to have meaning. Later those words will create sentences. Now language started to be useful for people, so in consequence they can used more their hands to fabricate more utensils and tools. Because hands were now released from the tasks of locomotion. The necessity to communicate generated the language by gestures, the spoken language and the language by signs, until to develop a system of communication, which now is known as language.
In the following work, you will find a summary about the language, but represented by a conceptual map. By exposing the main ideas about this topic like the characteristics, origins, theories, definition, etc.  This allowed the progress of culture of the human species. Nowadays are many types of languages around the world, depending in the geographic area you are, is the language you have to use.


In conclusion, we learnt with this map that language is a system of communication which involves sounds, symbols and gestures relatives to words for decoding or encoding information. These words are known as vocabulary we use to express our feeling, needs and thoughts through sentences. Some of them are used as nouns, other as verbs, connectors, articles, etc. but each one has a meaning.
Language is split into 2 categories: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal or spoken languages are different in the world. There are some countries sharing the same language but is the result of conquered lands. The most spoken languages with more than 100 million native speakers are: Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi-Urdu, English and Spanish. But the most spoken language by natives and people who learnt it as second language around the world is English.
The non-verbal languages are gestures, body language, sign language, artificially constructed communication systems, written language and codes. The written language has speculations about its origins, but some researchers said that in china an ancient sage Ts’ang Chieh made the contribution to their town. While in ancient Egypt it was attributed to God Thoth. Otherwise, Mesopotamians said that was an attribution from their god Enlil. Furthermore, the ancient Mayan culture said writing was a gift from their god Itzamna.
There are many theories about the language origins like: The mama theory, the ta-ta theory, the bow-wow theory, the pooh-pooh theory, the ding-dong theory, the yo-he-ho theory, the sing-song theory, the hey you theory, the eureka theory and the hocus pocus theory. But in its Origins, language was not written, neither spoken. People used to express whatever they wanted by pictures which nowadays are cave paintings.

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