domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Emergence of Language

Emergence of Language
Concept Map


Language is the system that people use to communicate with others who live in the same geographic area, to express ideas, opinions by a written or spoken language. But when did the language appears? It is difficult to answer with precision this question, nowadays exists evidence that the man does not started communicating with letters instead of that they used pictures. The pictures were the first step to develop writing. With time they evolved these pictures to symbols or characters something more elaborated for them.  Giving to each object used in every day a name, so the symbols together started forming words and that words began to have meaning. Later those words will create sentences. Now language started to be useful for people, so in consequence they can used more their hands to fabricate more utensils and tools. Because hands were now released from the tasks of locomotion. The necessity to communicate generated the language by gestures, the spoken language and the language by signs, until to develop a system of communication, which now is known as language.
In the following work, you will find a summary about the language, but represented by a conceptual map. By exposing the main ideas about this topic like the characteristics, origins, theories, definition, etc.  This allowed the progress of culture of the human species. Nowadays are many types of languages around the world, depending in the geographic area you are, is the language you have to use.


In conclusion, we learnt with this map that language is a system of communication which involves sounds, symbols and gestures relatives to words for decoding or encoding information. These words are known as vocabulary we use to express our feeling, needs and thoughts through sentences. Some of them are used as nouns, other as verbs, connectors, articles, etc. but each one has a meaning.
Language is split into 2 categories: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal or spoken languages are different in the world. There are some countries sharing the same language but is the result of conquered lands. The most spoken languages with more than 100 million native speakers are: Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi-Urdu, English and Spanish. But the most spoken language by natives and people who learnt it as second language around the world is English.
The non-verbal languages are gestures, body language, sign language, artificially constructed communication systems, written language and codes. The written language has speculations about its origins, but some researchers said that in china an ancient sage Ts’ang Chieh made the contribution to their town. While in ancient Egypt it was attributed to God Thoth. Otherwise, Mesopotamians said that was an attribution from their god Enlil. Furthermore, the ancient Mayan culture said writing was a gift from their god Itzamna.
There are many theories about the language origins like: The mama theory, the ta-ta theory, the bow-wow theory, the pooh-pooh theory, the ding-dong theory, the yo-he-ho theory, the sing-song theory, the hey you theory, the eureka theory and the hocus pocus theory. But in its Origins, language was not written, neither spoken. People used to express whatever they wanted by pictures which nowadays are cave paintings.

French Revolution

French Revolution

This post contains a brief recording and explaniation, about the main events of the french revolution, characteristics and also all the main characters who participated in it. This will explain you in 5 minutes the timeline of these events. Since the marriage of King Louis XVI with Marie Antoinette, how and why the revolution started, all the sequence about the move to overthrow the king and establish a republic. Spreading ideas of freedom and equality throughout Europe.

Medieval Times

Medieval Times


This project in its present form is the result of many researchers that the members of the team did, about the western culture in three different periods. The purpose of this project was to determinate the main characteristics about each period.
The characteristics for each period were determinate from the most important events and which ones are transcendental during that era.
Exists a lot of information about each period, that is why we had to summarize and an analysis all the events through history. Depending in each grade of importance, we could finally mention in the essay, those events that marked history.  

Introduction to Cultures of The Western World

Western Culture is related to European Cultures background; this term is used from reference to religious beliefs, social norms, etnical values and traditions.
The Western Culture can be apply to the Graeco-Roman Classical and Reinassance cultural, ;ike literature,philosophy;It has the background of Germanic,Celtic,Latin and Hellenic Cultures. This term also covers countries which have European inmigration. Like the Australasia and the Americas.
According to the history, Western Culture has its origins in the Ancient Rome and the Ancient Greece. The western culture is mostly related to Graeco-Roman and Judeo-Christian, also has influence of the Reinassance and the Enlightment.
These are some examples of the Western cultural influence: oil painting, sonata, opera, concerto, symphony, and dance; also in sports has western influence, the Olympic Games were created by the Ancient Greek culture.
I would say that almost in every area of our life, have Western Culture background, like culture, music, paint, architecture, religion, government system, sports and etc.

 The Middle Ages Period
The Middle ages or Medieval time. It  was a period of time on the European Continent from the 5th to the 15th century; This term appeared for the first time in 1469.The middle ages was right after the fall of the Western Roman Empire; there are subdivisions on the middle ages; some historians divide the middle ages in two parts: high and low, the English speaking historians divide the middle ages in three sub periods: early(476-1000),high(1000-1300) and the late middle age(1300-1453).
The middle ages historians divided the history in two periods: the Six Ages and the Four Empires; In the 19th century, the middle ages were named as dark ages and after the sub divisions of this period was named early middle ages; according to the Scandinavian history, the middle ages were after prehistory in the 11th century; and the prehistory of the middle ages in Estonia and Latvia was in the 13th century.
From the 5th to the 8th century the Germanic Tribes divided and the decentralized kingdoms like the Franks and Burgundians in Gaul Western Germany, The Vandals in North Africa, The Suevin in Gallaecia, The Ostrogoths in Italy, The Visigoths in Hispania and The Saxons in Britain.
On the period of the High Middle Age (1000-1300) the architecture was developed, the construction of churches and monasteries were an example of this architecture, the materials used on this constructions were stone and Roman brick. The Catholicism was the most important cultural influence in the middle ages, there were some regions populated mostly by Catholics; Bishops played an important role in those governments.
On the middle ages from the 11th to the 13th century were marked by the increase of population, military expansion and intellectual development. The period of the middle ages coincided with the period of the Islamic Golden Age; all their inventions had Greek and Roman background. The Hundred Years War was a conflict from (1337-1453) between France and England. This conflict was divided in 4 periods: The Edwardian War(1337-1360), The Caroline War (1369-1389), The Lancastian War(1415-1429) and the Decline of the English(1429-1453).
Martin Luther was not agree with some actions about the Catholicism; the problem was because the Catholics were raising money in order of the faith, Luther separated from the church in 1517, as a consequence of this action also the Calvinism and Anabaptism were created. All these actions put an end to the big influence of the Catholicism.
Some historians think that the en of the Middle Ages was The Conquest of Constantinople in 1453, others think the Fall of Muslim Granada in Spain, the Battle of Boswotrh Field(1485),the death of the King Ferdinand II, the invention of type printing by Johan Gutenberg 1455 or the Conquest of Granada 1492.

Italian Renaissance Period

This period began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe by the 16th century. Represents the transition between medieval and early Europe, marking the end of the middle Ages in this continent. The Italian renaissance happened just between the 14th century and the 17th century.. It was a new way of thinking and an exciting re-birth for Europe; it was an era when new inventions and amazing discoveries appeared, from new ways of inspiration, mostly by Greek and Rome. Also these inspirations influenced the creation of magnificent buildings and beautiful art. The Italian Renaissance is best known for its cultural achievements, and this occurred in the visual arts.
 As a result of this, artists had a new understanding of anatomy, which inspired them to carve nude figures, a similar case with paintings happened. A great example about this era was Michelangelo, a painter and sculptor, best known for two particular art works: he painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Rome (between 1508 -1512) commissioned by Pope Julius II, and for created the statue of David. Another very important and notable painter and inventor from this age was Leonardo da Vinci, who painted the masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Las Supper. He was also very interested in known how and why things worked, and studied engineering, anatomy and botany. The people during this era believed that human life was interesting and valuable, that is why a main characteristic here was the fact that they were very worried in develop all their talents.
This can happened because Italy was prosperous an international trading centre. Being the city of Florence the major cultural and artistic centre of the Italian Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance ended by the end of the 15th century when Italy was being finished by one war after another. The Roman Inquisition was established in 1545; in consequence humanism was akin to heresy. The Kings of England, France and Spain, battled for control the peninsula. Italian Renaissance was over.

The Reformation Period

 To reform means a change, and that is what it happened to the church in the XVI century in the Western Europe. This movement separated the Christians into Protestants and Catholics. It is said that there was too much corruption in the church like sex, greed and abuse of control. The reformation came to dissolve these infringements.
In England, the Reformation began because the king Henry VIII wanted the pope granted the divorce to marry Anne Boleyn. This was not allowed by the church and the pope would excommunicate him , which was a great fear in those days. So he ordered the Archbishop to approve their divorce in disagreement with the pope. Many were angered by these acts, but also were tired of the church charging them for baptism, marriage and other things. Henry took advantage of this. He ordered to close the monasteries who were the richest catholics in Europe. Henry now had more power than the pope.
In Germany, everything started because of Martin Luther. He wrote the 95 theses, these denounced the wealth and corruption of the church. His complaint was that the clergy were selling temporary forgiveness of sins, without clear to people that they could repent sincerely. Luther was excommunicated from the church, which began a series of wars. Then the reformation movement began to expand in the other countries. Another characters show up besides Lutero, like Juan Calvino. The Calvinism also was about the doctrine and in the Holy Communion. Calvino in 1536 wrote his first edition about his Institutes of Christian Religion, the first systematic study, treatment of the theology treatment of the reform movement.
In Switzerland Zwinglian lead the Swiss Reformation.
Then, during the seventeenth century reform spread throughout many countries in Europe, dominating Lutheranism in the North of Europe, Eastern Europe, had a variety of Protestantism because kings were weak, nobles strong, and religious pluralism has always existed.
Each of these Reformations divided up their countries people. All the reforms came with one purpose in spite of their differences and similarities; it was to remove all the sins, the abuse of power and the indulgences sold by the church of the pure word of God.

Through this work, it was consolidated the knowledge of the study of civilizations in the Middle Ages and  Renaissance. It was possible to approach the most important features and elements that characterized the Renaissance, as well as deepened in the results and significance of the Reformation.
Also taken into account Machiavelli's political thought represented by the importance of its time and its validity in the imperialist countries to justify genocidal policies.

Therefore, the Renaissance transformed not only the arts but also the sciences, letters and forms of thought. Besides the Reformation introduced the idea of ​​freedom of conscience against the civil power.


sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Ancient Spain

Ancient Spain
The hispanic peninsula lies at the extreme southwestern of Europe, in the directions of Africa. It is partially separated from the rest of Europe by the Pyreness.. The peninsula was inhabited by a complex variety of people, this during the first millennium BC. That is way the peninsula had always been divided into geographic and ethno-cultural regions which differed from ezch other. The people of Hispania had a great deal of influence from Phoenician (Carthaginian), Greek ad Roman settlements.The Romans called with the name of Hispania, to great peninsula made up of Spain and Portugal. And the modern España or Spain derives from Hispania.

Spain was an almost constant battleground, dividing territory and changing. The beginning of the Renaissance was mostly developed with the Catholic Monarchs. The Monarchs had the support of principal families in order to maintain the Monarchy as their government system; one of these families were the Mendoza’s. I think that all the cultures during the history have contributed to our development; In this particular case we emphasize the culture; The Spanish Renaissance had Italian influence, but they developed their own style. The art was developed in many areas such as paint, architecture, literature, music science and some others. All this examples of cultural influences are a great support to our actual times in all their areas. Nowadays we continue admiring these examples of arts, we admire them on museums, arts expositions public or private. 

Ancient Greece and The Romans

Ancient Greece and The Romans

Primeval Civilization

Ancient Egypt
The people of ancient Egypt established along the Nile, they were divided into two types of land; the black land was the fertile land which was use for their crops thanks to a black slit which was deposited after the Nile flooded and the red land was the barren desert. They worked as field hands, farmers and craftsmen. Also the land provides the Egyptians with precious metals. They believed in many different gods and goddesses. Each one has a different role, some in creation, protection, land, etc in order to have harmony according to the Egyptians. They invented written their own scripts to record his information about religion and government. They lasted for over three thousand years.
It was a civilization based on agriculture, from the 18th century until 6th century BC. Was lying between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where the ground was very fertile. An innovation from them was the astronomy; also they had The code of Hammurabi, which was the Babylonian law code (1772 BC), made by the sixth king Hammurabi, is one of the most representative characteristic about this civilization. It was destroyed in 1531 B.C. by the Hittites, but a century later Babylon re-establishes itself.
Ancient China
Was between the beginning of the second millennium B.C. and 221 B.C. The China civilization was ruled by a series of emperors from different dynasties, which were people from royal families. This civilization was well known because of their many inventions and advancements like a calendar, paper, printing, development of writing, the book was printed in 868 A.D Shih Haung Ti became the first emperor 221 B.C and began building the Great Wall of China. The “three teachings” in this civilization were Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The main character of the Buddhism was Buddha, his name “Siddhattha Gautama”, was born around 565 B.C.
Ancient India
From about  2600 B.C. to 1700 B.C., one of the earliest civilizations. This civilization lived in a fertile land, because they were many rivers around. One of the main rivers was the Indus river, on the banks of this river buildings and cities flourished. This river provides irrigation and creates a fertile land for farming. They had an advance urban culture, making them the first urban centers in the region. Like the other civilizations, they developed a writing system, found on seals, small tablets, etc. The main religion in India was the Hinduism, with gods, goddesses and Hindu beliefs. Religion plays a central role in the life of the country.